Friday, May 22, 2020

What is Genetic Modification - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 901 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/02/14 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: GMO Essay Did you like this example? Genetic modification is the process of forcing genes from one species into another entirely unrelated species. (GMO Defined, 2011). Most of these transgenic combinations do not occur naturally and they are made to create a certain trait within foods. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is Genetic Modification?" essay for you Create order GMOs affect a huge number of products that everyone consumes on a daily basis. This connects with another rising issue in America- which is poverty. Most of the processed foods are more affordable than the healthy, organic food. This is very effective when it comes to unhealthy diets. This kind of food is developed and marketed because farmers and agricultural companies are benefitting from it. The companies and Farmers are having to use less pesticides and they deliver higher crops (Deshpande). By higher crops, the food is bigger than the normal size and they last longer on the shelf. They are also able to withstand droughts and have been said to increase the richness and taste. However, this does create rooms for a large amount of problems with the general public in the long run. According to The Non-GMO Project, GMOs safety is unknown. They have been linked to causing infertility, which is one of the most crucial problems that is caused men and women when it comes to reproducing. In 2008, the Austrian Health Ministers presented how the fertility rates have dropped. This will definitely put a strain on the future generations. It is said that woman have had less pregnancies and men have had a lower sperm count. This not only has occurred in humans, but in animals as well. Women has had more of a difficult time than men have had. They have higher risk of infertility, premature births, and lower birth rates. It’s vital that we, the general public, are aware of GMOs. GM foods have been on the market only since 1994, and research on their long-term effects on humans is scarce. Most of the studies have been done on animals. As stated by Rachel Mount, a journalist with Oprah, some of those studies link GM foods to altered metabolism, inflammation, kidney and liver malfunction, and reduced fertility. In one experiment, multiple generations of hamsters were fed a diet of GM soy; by the third generation, they were losing the ability to produce offspring, producing about half as many babies as the non-GM soy group. This can change the human population in a very dramatic way. Our bodies are made to be a specific, detailed system made up of cells. People should be aware of what they are eating and putting into their bodies. There have been over twenty-five countries that require companies to replace their GMO ingredients in their products. Hethir Rodriguez, a certified herbalist, and Dr. Ch ristine Taxler, an OB/GYN, has stated that GMOs has caused so many problems that the EU has actually banned the use of GMO products throughout Europe, while the United States continues to allow them throughout the nation (Rodriguez). Other countries are banning GMOs because of the problems that they cause with health-related issues. This is very important because other nations are being very cautious on what they allow in their country. America needs to do the exact because GMOs are harming our population. Russia being another of the major countries that have banned these kinds of products as well. The prime minister of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, expressed his opinion by saying, â€Å"If the Americans like to eat GMO products, let them eat it then. We don’t need to do that; we have enough space and opportunities to produce organic food.† This is very important when it comes to health-related issues. There have been no long-term studies on the impact GMOs have on the human body. The Reproductive Medicine Center of First Hospital of Lanzhou University, stated that genetically modified foods may impact our reproductive potential in several levels. GMOs transfer new genes to the human species. GM foods have also been implicated in the reproductive capacity of males as well. Since the 1970s alone, sperm counts among the world’s male population have declined as much as 40-50% (Torres). The best solution for people who want to avoid GMO foods is to learn how to grow their own food and stay away from processed foods. This is a safe way to maintain people’s diets and health. This will be a very effective solution because everyone could benefit from it. If we look at other countries like Russia or Europe, we can see a huge difference between the population and the health of the population. America is known for being the unhealthiest country in the world. If people start to care about what they put in their body, and start to make a change in their diet we will be able to see a vast difference within our population. Instead of depending on modern technology, we should go back to our roots of the cultivation of crops. Before genetic engineering, our ancestors planted their own crops, raised their own cattle, and other animals. If we could make that change and go back to what our ancestors started, we could change our future generations for the better. This will cu t down on high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and hundreds of other problematic health issues that are prevalent in America. Growing foods will not only keep people healthy, but it will also save them money and give them a new hobby.

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