Saturday, November 16, 2019

Social Environmental Essay Example for Free

Social Environmental Essay This paper expounds how human behavior is influenced by social and environmental events through complex interplay of biopsychosocial dimension. Human develops resilience that is constantly challenged by developmental conflict to find eventual survival strategies. II. Introduction a. Society cultural influence on human behavior is an exposure whose products result from interplay between three dimensions; the interaction regarding biological, psychological, and social perspective to life as a whole. b. Importance of bio-psychosocial dimensions in expounding on how human behavior is birthed and found on the fundamental principle of â€Å"cause and effect† analysis of societal control as a denominator to man behavioral exhibit. c. Life events are activities taking place in which man is inevitably a player and contributes greatly to the outcome of such events on the basis of behavioral character. We therefore, do find it so critical to analyze how this behavior is formed and the psychosocial dimensional influence on the formation. d. This paper shall step wisely touch the three basic dimensions with a view to identifying the key elements involved, the specific behavior exhibited and its impact of each in early and later life. e. This paper reveals the dimension and aim at analyzing some resilience or behavioral adaptation developed to live amidst many behavioral challenges. III. Biological Dimension a. This is the closest dimension where natural factors mix with the social environment to produce observable human behavior. i. The natural factors include ecological influence, genetic adaptability, and parental inheritance of an individual. ii. This biological dimension affects personal and cognitive development through complex impulses which interact with other biological systems to determine an individual’s reaction to social stimulus. b. During early life, body systems begin process of adaptive response to develop a competitive survival mode for the present and future exposure. It is a preparative stage of natural body system reaction to societal values and norms c. In later life, there is an existing involuntary response to ways of life in a way that disease develop when adapted response cannot interpret strange exposure IV. Psychological Dimension a. i. This dimension defines the characteristic of the mind and mental makeup resulting from societal life events on human behavior. ii. The key element here is the inter-subjectivity of humanistic approaches that focuses on fundamental issues of life in the society. b. It forms basis for cognitive behavior, involuntary response, behavioral and reasoning in response to convergence of cognitive and formal lessons exposed to in life. c. i. According to Erickson’s psychosocial developmental theory, early life involves negotiation of emotions with environmental culture and social events to balance eight psychosocial crises. The successful completion of negotiation produces â€Å"basic strength† or â€Å"basic virtual†. The challenges of fitting in productively – the crisis. ii. According to Erickosn’s and Freud’s, this is the stage of total self awareness, improvement and development. Negatively, there is showcase of behavioral â€Å"malignancies and maladaptation† in late life with that challenge of absolute zero tolerance to re-orientation. V. Sociology a. The social dimension domain refers to characteristics of human beings regarding their interaction through collective co-existence in society. i. Key elements here are behavioral response to ones input, expectation to family relationships, cultural orientation, institutional educations, societal norms, rules and regulations. ii. Aspects of behavior affected by social life events are numerous. It form the complex identity for age and overall life stages in education, marriage etc. b. Awareness of educational need in early life and behavioral conformation to this societal expectation. c. Awareness of several expectations in areas like marriage, and self guilt from perception of not belonging to societal identity, a feeling of rejection or being an outcast. VI. Coping and Resilience for Survival. a. Coping with perpetual influence of environmental events conflict in developing the eventual human behavior is required to build up survival strategies. b. Through outcome of negative and positive experiences with suitable rescue aid, the prevailing ones determine the ability of man to gain back any setback in development or formed the stability of overall behavioral display. c. In pursuit of survival, it is sufficed to theorize that human beings cope and maintain well-being through institutions with most acceptance of his developed behavior, be it spiritual or social support. VII. Conclusion a. The understanding of this three dimensional approach gives a holistic picture of intrinsic and extrinsic behaviors exhibited by man to exist. b. Human behavior is imprisoned by interplay of forces responding to natural, social and environmental events. There is yet no freedom for independent behavioral development if man must survive. VIII. Bibliography in APA format Erikson, Erik H. (1986). Childhood and Society. New York: Norton. Erikson, Erik H. (1979). Identity and the Life Cycle. New York: Int. Universities Press. Erikson, Erik H. (1968). Identity, Youth and Crisis. New York: Norton,. Kendra van W. (n. d. ). Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development. Available at: http://psychology. about. com/lr/psychosocial_development/5045/1/. 04/19/2009. Sheehy, Gail. (1976). Passages: Predictable Crises of Adult Life. New York: E. P. Dutton. Stevens, Richard. (1983). Erikson: An Introduction. New York: St. Martins. http://www. businessballs. com/maslow. htm

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