Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Controversy Of Childhood Vaccination - 1173 Words

Vaccinations are something that is none around the world. It is supported in many countries but in others it is not. In the United States there is a constant controversy as to whether to vaccinate or not. Most parents in our society opt for the vaccination process to protect their children in any way they can. Although, many parents do not see it that way. The controversy of childhood vaccination spans back more than just a few years it goes back as far as the 18th century (Nelson) but the fact of the matter is childhood vaccinations have very few side effects, there have been very few lines between autism and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (â€Å"Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Vaccines†; Shea, Diekema), and when children come in to contact with diseases they are not vaccinated for it can cause nationwide pandemic (Nelson; â€Å"Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?†). There are side effects in everything around us and nothing is one hundred percen t safe and vaccinations are no different. There are 30,000 cases of adverse reactions have been reported annually and about 10%-15% are considered serious like permanent disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illness, or death (â€Å"Should Any Vaccine Be Required for Children?†). Although there are reactions to these vaccinations every year it is only a small percentage of the people, adults included, that are vaccinated annually. The most common side effect of vaccines is a severe allergic reaction. Sanjay Gupta,Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Vaccinations715 Words   |  3 PagesThe Importance of Vaccinations Vaccinations has become controversial in recent years. A growing number of parents feel that vaccines can cause harm. They believe that they have the right to decide whether or not to have their children vaccinated (â€Å"Introduction to Vaccines: Current Controversies† 6). This is true, however, public health and individual rights should be equally taken into consideration. While there is growing number of people who claims that mandatory vaccinations is against civilRead MoreThe Controversy Surrounding Childhood Immunizations Essay1151 Words   |  5 PagesThe Controversy Surrounding Childhood Immunizations The argument encompassing whether or not parents should vaccinate their children is ongoing. It is a very interesting matter to learn about and I possess some strong feelings about the case. This issue interests me because there are parents who don’t have their children vaccinated, and there are parents who do have them vaccinated. But all these parents share one particular quality: they all would like for their kids to be safe. One of the thingsRead MoreThe Heart Of A Heart Transplant907 Words   |  4 Pagesnormal childhood vaccinations which make them at risk for these, preventable, debilitating, and possibly deadly diseases. When able, the child goes back to school and contracts the Mumps, a preventable disease because another child’s guardian selfishly decided not to get their child inoculated. The child who had a new lease on life because of a new heart now is back in the hospital fighting for their life again. Guardians of healthy children should not be allowed to forgo childhood vaccinations. ModernRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccinations1372 Words   |  6 PagesVaccinations have proven time and time again to be an effective form of preventive medicine, but in recent research it has been associated with serious developmental problems. The controversy over whether childhood vaccines are actually the cause of these development issues has been an ongoing debate for 2 centuries and is even more prominent in society now as more research is becoming available to the public, even if some of it says there is no link between the two. Parents and guardians now alsoRead MoreThe Vaccine Controversy Essay examples1641 Words   |  7 PagesThe Vaccine Controversy Janira Sanchez Intro to Biology Professor Martin July 22, 2010 The Vaccine Controversy The vaccine controversy is the dispute over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and /or safety of vaccinations. The medical and scientific evidence is that the benefits of preventing suffering and death from infectious diseases outweigh rare adverse effects of immunization. Since vaccination began in the late 18th century, opponents have claimed that vaccines do notRead MoreVaccination And Its Effects On The World s Health Essay878 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Vaccination, also known as immunisation, involves the process in which an individual is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease through the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines do this by stimulating the body’s own immune system to protect that individual against a particular disease. The discussion of vaccinations is a subject that awakens very strong opinions, stirring up heated debate on their reliability, efficacy, and safety. In an overview, the benefits are clear, vaccinationsRead MoreMedia and Its Effects on Society1437 Words   |  6 Pagesvaccine controversy, an on-going debate whether or not vaccines cause autism, has not come to any conclusion, partly due to the media influence. The media attempts to provide equal coverage for both sides of the argument—the pro and the con vaccines—providing room for a few extremists to spread their pseudoscientific-based claims, resulting in public unease. Despite an overwhelming evidence rejecting the association between vaccines and autism, a number of parents still fear that childhood vaccinesRead MoreChildhood Vaccinations Essay1450 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Prevention is better than cure.† This common statement could not relate any better than it does with the controversy surrounding the morality, effectiveness, and safety of childhood immunizations. The major argument is whether or not laws should be established to declare vaccination mandatory for all children. â€Å"The US food and Drug administration (FDA) regulates all vaccines to ensure safety and effectiveness,† (ProCon.org, 2012) therefor there should not be any reason to risk the health of anyRead MoreWhy Should Children Vaccinate Their Children Or Not?1347 Words   |  6 Pagesacquiring dangerous and detrimental diseases. The CDC states, â€Å"Vaccines reduce the risk of infection by working with the body’s natural defenses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (CDC). In Daniel Bronfin’s article, Childhood Immunization Controversies: What are Parents Asking?, he states â€Å"Preventative care is the cornerstone of pediatrics, and vaccination represents on the most important strategies in the prevention of disease in children† (Bronfin). In the United States we are lucky enough to have advanced technology and a healthRead MoreMmr Vaccine And The Vaccine1281 Words   |  6 Pagesthe MMR vaccine to autism along with some celebrities following Jenny McCarthy’s Anti-Vaccination Movement. This issue holds controversial value because of all of the parents whom refuse to vaccinate their children putting them at risk for the diseases that the vaccine is supposed to prevent. All of this is due to the one doctor who was bribed by a lawyer company four hundred thousand euros to bad-mouth vaccinations to give them a case against it in a lawsuit. This lost him his medical license and

Monday, December 16, 2019

Role of Youth in Environment Protection Free Essays

CHAPTER 20 – WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT I. II. III. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Youth in Environment Protection or any similar topic only for you Order Now IV. Introduction Progress, 1996-2000 Prospects, 2001-2005 Conclusion LIST OF TABLES Table 20-1 Table 20-2 Table 20-3 Table 20-4 Employment Distribution By Gender Within Sectors, 1995 And 2000 Employment Distribution By Sector And Gender,1995 And 2000 Employment Distribution By Occupation And Gender, 1995 And 2000 RD Personnel By Gender And Qualification, 1998 Chapter Chapter 20 Women and Development Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl 8 an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 556 20 I. WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION 20. 01 Women constitute an important pool of resource that can be mobilized to achieve the national development agenda. Through the continuous efforts of the Government in providing an enabling environment during the Seventh Plan period, women continued to participate in and contribute towards the social and economic development of the country. 20. 02 During the Eighth Plan period, efforts will continue to be undertaken to enhance the role, position and status of women to ensure their participation as equal partners in national development. Women will be provided with the skills and knowledge to cope with the challenges of globalization and fulfil the needs of the knowledge-based economy. II. PROGRESS, 1996-2000 20. 03 During the Seventh Plan period, women continued to make significant contributions in various fields of national development through greater participation in the economy. This was made possible through the further operationalization of the National Policy for Women and its Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women, which included the implementation of gender-sensitive and awareness training programmes. In addition, the removal of legal and institutional constraints that inhibited the participation of women in the development process further facilitated the involvement of women. Population, Labour Force and Employment 20. 04 Based on the 2000 Population Census, about 48. 9 per cent or 11. 4 million of the total population were women. The age-structure of the female Chapter 20 557 Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 8 sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma population was similar to that of the male, with 52. 4 per cent of the female population in the age-group 24 years and below. The Census also revealed that due to the improved female life expectancy, the proportion of the female population in the 65 to 74 years age-group increased from 3. 0 per cent in 1991 to 4. 3 per cent in 2000. 20. 05 Although 48 per cent of women were in the working age population of 15-64 years, they only accounted for a third of the labour force. Female labour force participation registered an increase, from 43. 5 per cent in 1995 to 45. 8 per cent in 1997, but declined to 44 per cent in 1998 due to the economic downturn. With the economic recovery, this rate subsequently increased to 44. per cent in 2000. 20. 06 Female employment in the mining and quarrying sector experienced the largest decline of 4. 9 per cent, between 1995 and 2000, followed by the agriculture, forestry, livestock and fishing sector, which recorded a decline of 1. 8 per cent during the same period, as shown in Table 20-1. Various efforts were undertaken to assist these women to re-enter the job market, including the implementation of training programmes to encourage them to venture into small businesses as well as retraining, and the identification and placement of these women in alternative jobs. 0. 07 Overall, the manufacturing sector absorbed the largest share of employed women accounting for 27. 3 per cent in 2000, consistent with the expanding opportunities in the sector. Another sector that recorded high female employment is the wholesale and retail trade, hotel and restaurants, as shown in Table 20-2. 20. 08 Improvements were recorded in the occupational structure, with more women moving into higher-paying occupations during the Plan period. The proportion of women in the professional and technical category increased from 12. 7 per cent in 1995 to 13. per cent in 2000, while the proportion of women in the administrative and managerial category recorded an increase of 0. 4 per cent during the same period, as shown in Table 20-3. The share of women employed as agriculture workers decl ined from 16. 6 per cent in 1995 to 14. 8 per cent in 2000, consistent with the overall decline in total employment in the sector. Women were mainly employed as production and related workers, which accounted for 22. 6 per cent of total female employment in 2000. 558 TABLE 20-1 EMPLOYMENT DISTRIBUTION BY GENDER WITHIN SECTORS, 1995 AND 2000 (%) 1995 2000 Sector Male Female Male Female Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Fishing 71. 4 28. 6 73. 2 26. 8 Mining Quarrying 82. 1 17. 9 87. 0 13. 0 Manufacturing 57. 2 42. 8 58. 9 41. 1 Construction 93. 5 6. 5 94. 0 6. 0 Electricity, Gas Water 90. 4 9. 6 90. 5 9. 5 Transport, Storage Communications 87. 9 12. 1 86. 9 13. 1 Wholesale Retail Trade, Hotel Restaurants 61. 3 38. 7 60. 7 39. 3 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Business Services 60. 1 39. 9 60. 1 39. 9 Other Services 60. 0 40. 0 54. 7 45. 3 66. 1 33. 9 65. 5 34. 5 Total TABLE 20-2 EMPLOYMENT DISTRIBUTION BY SECTOR AND GENDER, 995 AND 2000 (%) 1995 2000 Sector Male Female Male Female 21. 6 16. 9 20. 2 14. 1 0. 5 0. 2 0. 4 0. 1 Manufacturing 20. 2 29. 4 20. 6 27. 3 Construction 11. 3 1. 5 12. 1 1. 5 0. 9 0. 2 0. 7 0. 1 Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock Fishing Mining Quarrying Electricity, Gas Water Transport, Storage Communications 6. 2 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Business Services 1. 7 6. 1 1. 7 16. 6 Wholesale Retail Tra de, Hotel Restaurants 20. 5 18. 1 22. 3 4. 5 5. 7 17. 2 27. 1 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 Chapter 20 559 5. 6 24. 0 100. 0 Total 4. 3 18. 4 Other Services Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 8 sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma TABLE 20-3 EMPLOYMENT DISTRIBUTION BY OCCUPATION AND GENDER, 1995 AND 2000 (%) 1995 2000 Occupation Category Male Female Male Female Professional, Technical Related Workers 8. 4 12. 7 8. 9 13. 5 Administrative Managerial Workers 3. 9 1. 8 4. 7 2. 2 Clerical Related Workers 7. 5 17. 5 7. 1 17. 5 10. 5 11. 6 11. 1 12. 1 9. 4 14. 4 9. 5 17. 4 Agriculture Workers 21. 9 16. 6 20. 4 14. 8 Production Related Workers 38. 3 25. 4 38. 4 22. 6 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. Sales Related Workers Service Workers Total 20. 09 Various measures were undertaken to improve female participation in the labour market. The Employment Act 1955 was amended in 1998, which among others, provided for flexible working hours and empowered the Minister of Human Resources to make rules on statutory benefits to be paid to part-time workers proportionate to that of full-time employees. This amendment permitted women, especially housewives, to be gainfully employed in part-time employment, while allowing them the flexibility to meet their family obligations. In an effort to allow women in the public sector to care for their newborn and to encourage breastfeeding, as of May 1998, maternity leave up to 60 days was allowed for a maximum of up to five children. In addition, provisions for tax deductions were provided to employers for the establishment of child-care centres near or at the workplace. Employers were also encouraged to provide facilities such as proper housing, transport and healthcare for the benefit of rural migrants, the majority of whom were women. Educational Attainment 20. 0 An important factor that contributed towards the social and economic advancement of women was the huge investments in educational facilities 560 accompanied by the provision of equal access to educational opportunities. Female primary and secondary school enrolment in local public institutions reflected the gender ratio in the country. At the primary and secondary levels, enrolment of female students was about half of the total enrolment, while at the upper secondary level, female students accounted for about 66 per cent of total enrolment in 2000. Intake of female students into public universities expanded significantly from 50 per cent in 1995 to 55 per cent in 2000. 20. 11 With regard to preference for courses, female dominance in the arts streams continued to be prevalent accounting for 65 per cent of total enrolment in the arts and humanities courses in 2000. Females also made further inroads into science and technical courses. Female enrolment in the sciences in institutions of higher learning accounted for 60 per cent, while in the technical field it was 30 per cent in 2000. Skills and Entrepreneur Development 20. 12 Specific skills and entrepreneur training programmes were implemented to enable women to improve themselves and take advantage of the opportunities in the job market. In this regard, courses in areas such as business, organizational and financial management were implemented. Skills training programmes provided by the Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skills Training were expanded, resulting in an increase of 19. 4 per cent in the female enrolment between 1995 and 2000. 20. 3 With improved literacy and the changing needs of the rural community, courses that contributed towards the involvement of women in income-generating activities were also undertaken. Towards this end, extension services in the form of the provision of equipment, initial capital grants, advisory services and training in areas such as product processing, as well as leadership and motivation courses were conducted. 20. 14 Measures were undertaken to facilitate the involveme nt of women in business through the provision of easy access to capital. The Women Entrepreneurs Fund was established in 1998 with an allocation of RM10 million. A total of 12 projects amounting to RM9. 5 million was approved under the Fund. Through the Small Entrepreneur Fund, a total of about 6,000 women entrepreneurs obtained loans amounting to RM65 million. Chapter 20 561 Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 8 sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma 20. 15 Various women entrepreneur and industry associations were formed, generally to serve as a platform for women entrepreneurs to establish networks and exchange information and experiences as well as to conduct training programmes, seminars, and workshops on motivation, leadership and entrepreneur development. The Women’s Institute of Management (WIM) offered skills training courses, particularly in the area of entrepreneurship as well as operated an on-line network called WIMNET that provided database search facilities to businesswomen around the world. In addition, the Institute of Women’s Advancement, the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs Association and the Association for Bumiputera Women Entrepreneurs conducted courses and seminars in skills and entrepreneur development. A total of about 10,000 women benefited from these courses. Research and Development 20. 16 Women were actively involved in research and development activities during the Plan period. According to the 1998 National Survey of Research and Development, which covered research undertaken by government research institutions, institutions of higher learning and the private sector, women accounted for about a third of the total number of researchers with masters and bachelor degree qualifications, as shown in Table 20-4. In terms of research fields in the public sector, females were predominantly found in the medical and health and information sectors. TABLE 20-4 RD PERSONNEL BY GENDER AND QUALIFICATION, 1998 (%) Phd Masters Bachelor Non-Degree Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female GRI1 29. 2 8. 0 38. 0 16. 4 14. 6 8. 5 11. 8 9. 2 2 39. 8 15. 0 15. 0 14. 0 9. 7 9. 0 14. 0 19. 6 7. 0 1. 0 13. 0 3. 6 43. 2 15. 0 36. 8 8. 6 76. 0 24. 0 66. 0 34. 0 67. 5 32. 5 62. 6 37. 4 IHL Private Sector Total Notes: 1 Refers to Government Research Institutions 2 Refers to Institutions of Higher Learning 562 Health Status 20. 17 Women were equal recipients of the benefits of developments in the health sector. As such, the health status of women continued to register improvements during the Plan period. The average female life expectancy continued to improve from 74 years in 1995 to 74. 7 years in 2000 compared with 69. 3 years and 69. 9 years, respectively, for males. The maternal mortality rate, which is an indicator of the health status of women, remained low at 0. 2 per 1,000 live births during the Plan period. 20. 8 With the introduction of the Family Health Programme in 1996, women’s health was given emphasis from two perspectives, namely, the health of the family comprising maternal and child health, immunization, family planning, early detection of cancers and nutrition, as well as diseases affecting women with specific attention to human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). The maternal and chil d health programme, aimed at reducing maternal and infant mortality and morbidity, improving prenatal and antenatal healthcare and providing health and utrition education continued to be implemented. In addition, increased accessibility to safe delivery services contributed towards the achievement of a satisfactory maternal mortality rate. As a result, deliveries in the public sector health facilities increased from 85. 1 per cent in 1985 to 95. 3 per cent in 1999. Concerted efforts were also undertaken to widen the coverage of antenatal health care services resulting in 72 per cent of pregnant women having access to such services. The Government introduced the Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme for Pregnant Mothers in 1997 to further improve the health status of women through the provision of adequate nutrition, particularly women in the low-income group. 20. 19 With longer life expectancy and to ensure that women are healthy and remain healthy in their old age, health education programmes, seminars and workshops on healthy lifestyles, nutrition and the importance of regular medical examinations were introduced by the public and private sectors. In view of the fact that women, especially young women, are in the high-risk category in terms of vulnerability to AIDS, greater emphasis was given towards providing information on AIDS awareness and education. Despite these efforts, the percentage of women with HIV infection increased from 4. 3 per cent in 1995 to 5. 1 per cent in 1999. A programme, specifically for pregnant mothers infected with HIV, was also introduced at all antenatal clinics. Chapter 20 563 Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 8 sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma Poverty among Female-headed Households 20. 20 Recognizing that increasing poverty among women is a world-wide phenomenon, various efforts were undertaken by the Government and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to reduce the incidence of poverty among women. These included the provision of micro-credit facilities to about 22,850 women through Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia to facilitate their involvement in small businesses and training programmes to assist single mothers to obtain employment. Despite these efforts, the incidence of poverty among female-headed households increased from 15. per cent or 585,688 households in 1997 to 16. 1 per cent or 588,554 households in 1999. Supportive Legislation 20. 21 During the period, efforts to further enhance the status of women continued to be undertaken. Existing regulations were reviewed and new ones enacted to protect the rights and dignity of women in both public and private life. In recognition of the importance of women’s contributio n to the labour force, the amendment of the Employment Act 1955 encouraged more women to join the labour force. With the increased participation of women in the labour force, the existence of a healthy working environment is crucial. Towards this end, in 1999 the Government introduced a code of ethics for the prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace. This code, although applicable to both men and women, contains specific provisions to protect women in the workplace. In addition, women taxpayers, whose husbands had no taxable income, were provided taxable relief similar to that available to a male taxpayer whose wife had no taxable income. 20. 2 To enhance the capability and capacity of syariah courts, including in the handling of issues pertaining to Muslim women, the Government initiated a review of the organization of syariah courts in the country. Consequently, the Department of Syariah Judiciary was established in 1997, among others, aimed at ensuring uniformity among states in the judgement of cases pertaining to Islamic Family Law. During the period, five states, namely, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis, Pulau Pinang and Selangor as well as the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur implemented the Islamic Family Law. With this implementation, Muslim women were provided with better protection. 564 20. 23 Various efforts were undertaken to further protect the rights and dignity of women. The Women and Girls Protection Act 1973 and the Child Protection Act 1991 were reviewed and streamlined into the Child Act 2000. In addition, recognizing the role of women in caring for their families, the Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 was amended in 1999 to allow joint guardianship of children in matters relating to immigration and registration. In implementing this amendment, the Government, in 2000, also allowed mothers to sign all documents involving their underage children. National Machinery for the Advancement of Women 20. 24 The national machinery for the advancement of women in Malaysia comprises the Government, the private sector and NGOs, working in tandem towards the common objective of improving the status of women. Recognizing the need to further enhance the effectiveness of the national machinery, the Women’s Affairs Department at the Ministry of National Unity and Social Development was transferred to the Prime Minister’s Department in 1999. To enable more effective implementation of the National Policy for Women, the Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women was introduced to all public and private sector agencies to be used as a guide in the planning and implementation of development programmes. In addition, gender sensitization training programmes continued to be implemented in the public sector and similar programmes were initiated in the private sector. 20. 5 During the period, the National Advisory Council on the Integration of Women in Development (NACIWID) continued to function as the coordinating, consultative and advisory body on women’s affairs by highlighting to the Government issues and concerns pertaining to women. Measures were also undertaken to institute links with the grassroot through the establishment of women service centres at the state level and women’s affairs consultative committees at the state and district levels. During the Plan period, centres were established in the States of Kedah, Kelantan, Pahang, Sabah and Selangor, which provided various services such as counselling, legal assistance and temporary shelter for women in need. The consultative committees monitored the implementation and impact of programmes and projects for women and provided the necessary feedback for improved project formulation and implementation. 20. 26 NGOs played an important role in complementing the efforts of the Government in advancing the status of women. In addition to organizing courses in family health, legal literacy, entrepreneurial development and parenting skills, Chapter 20 565 Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 8 sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma NGOs also implemented various activities to increase the knowledge and skills of women in the vocational and technical fields. Specific programmes were also introduced to assist single mothers in obtaining employment and caring for their families. NGOs also played the catalytic role in highlighting issues to further improve the status and rights of women. III. PROSPECTS, 2001-2005 20. 27 During the Eighth Plan period, efforts will continue to be undertaken to further enhance the role, position and responsibilities of women so as to increase their participation and involvement in the social and economic life of the country. In implementing the Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women, the Government will continue to ensure that strategies and programmes implemented are consistent with Malaysian values, religious beliefs and cultural norms. 20. 8 Taking cognizance of the changes in the global environment and the need to adjust to these changes, efforts will be undertaken to provide women with the skills and knowledge to cope with the twin responsibilities of family and career. Towards this end, the strategic thrusts for the future advancement of women will be: t increasing female participation in the labour market; t providing more education and training opportunities for women to meet the demands of the knowledge-based economy and i mprove their upward mobility in the labour market; t enhancing women’s involvement in business; reviewing laws and regulations that inhibit the advancement of women; t improving further the health status of women; t reducing the incidence of poverty among female-headed households; t strengthening research activities to increase participation of women in development and enhance their well-being; and t strengthening the national machinery and the institutional capacity for the advancement of women. 566 Increasing Female Participation in the Labour Force 20. 29 Although women account for nearly half of the working age population, their participation in the labour force is relatively low. Various efforts will be undertaken to mobilize this available pool of resource, thus increasing the supply of labour and contributing towards enhancing the nation’s output. The private sector, being the largest employer, will be further encouraged to introduce the necessary support facilities such as establishing child-care centres as well as providing transportation and housing facilities for their women employees. In addition, the Employment Act 1955 will be amended to include new and flexible working arrangements such as teleworking, part-time work and job sharing, to enable women to integrate career with household duties. Providing More Education and Training Opportunities 20. 30 Women will be provided with more education and training opportunities to meet the demands of the knowledge-based economy as well as to facilitate their upward mobility into higher-paying occupations. To encourage more women to pursue non-traditional fields of study such as science, engineering and vocational and technical education, career counselling programmes will be implemented to provide information and instill greater awareness among female students and parents regarding career opportunities in the professional and technical fields. 0. 31 With the need to increase knowledge and skills as well as move towards higher capital intensity, there will be a greater demand for highly and multiskilled workers. Women will thus be provided with more training opportunities to acquire new and advanced skills relevant to the needs of the industry. In addition, in response to the rapid changes in technology that requires constant upgra ding of skills, women will be provided with increased opportunities for retraining. The private sector will also be encouraged to complement the efforts of the Government in providing more skills training opportunities for women, including in new technologies. 20. 32 Efforts will be undertaken to improve women’s access to information and communications technology (ICT). Formal and non-formal training in areas such as computer literacy and applications of ICT will be conducted jointly by the Government and NGOs, with special emphasis given to rural women. In addition, to enhance the effectiveness of the training programmes, efforts will be taken to ensure that software development is gender sensitive. Chapter 20 567 Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 8 sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma Enhancing Women’s Involvement in Business 20. 33 Efforts to enhance women’s involvement in business will continue to be undertaken. Training in business-related areas such as marketing, accounting, budgeting and planning will be implemented by the Government and NGOs. Programmes will be implemented to enable women entrepreneurs to be more competitive in terms of production, product quality and design as well as packaging and labelling. In addition, the utilization of ICT in business will be emphasized. The Government will also continue to provide funds under the Women Entrepreneurs Fund to enable more women to participate in business. Through the implementation of gender sensitive strategies, more opportunities will be provided to women to increase their participation and involvement in business ventures. Reviewing Laws and Regulations 20. 34 Existing laws and regulations will be reviewed to eliminate provisions that discriminate or have adverse effects on women. Legislation that will be reviewed includes those pertaining to family law and the distribution of property for non-Muslims. The Government will study the feasibility of establishing family courts with a view towards ensuring that issues pertaining to the family are discussed and decisions made in a more conducive environment. Efforts will also be undertaken to ensure the effective enforcement and speedy implementation of court decisions, including decisions of syariah courts, so as to provide for the protection and welfare of women. In addition, steps will continue to be taken to ensure the implementation of Islamic Family Law in the remaining states. Improving the Health Status 20. 5 Emphasis will continue to be given to promoting women’s health and that of their families. Through the family health programme, special attention will be given to HIV and sexually-transmitted infection prevention, family planning, as well as the identification of factors causing non-communicable diseases such as cancers, mental illnesses and cardiovascular diseases. In view of the fact that women have longer life expe ctancy and to ensure that women remain healthy in their old age, specific health education programmes including the promotion of healthy lifestyles and nutrition will continue to be implemented. 68 20. 36 Recognizing the peculiarities of illnesses confronting women, such as osteoporosis and those related to reproductive health, and in an effort to provide higher quality healthcare for women, the Government will establish a special hospital for women. This hospital will be the national referral centre for women’s health and well-being. In addition, research on various aspects of women’s health will be undertaken, with emphasis on biomedical, socio-behavioural and clinical research. Reducing the Incidence of Poverty among Female-headed Households 20. 7 In view of the increasing number of female-headed households and the rising incidence of poverty among them, efforts will be undertaken to ensure that these women have the capacity and capability to care for their families . Towards this end, research on the difficulties faced by women as head of households as well as the differing impacts of poverty on women and men will be undertaken to assist in the development of relevant programmes and projects. A special programme aimed at reducing the incidence of poverty among female-headed households will also be formulated to improve their quality of life as well as that of their families. Strengthening Research Activities 20. 38 During the Plan period, emphasis will be given to strengthening research in specific areas that will contribute towards increasing the participation of women in national development and enhancing their well-being. Research will be undertaken in areas such as the involvement of women in science and technology and ICT, the welfare of women in the informal sector, the role and status of women in the workplace, mobility of women in the labour force and remunerations received, women and mental health, and difficulties faced by women as head of households. Findings from these activities will assist in the formulation of policies and programmes that will further promote the advancement of women. Strengthening the National Machinery and the Institutional Capacity 20. 39 The establishment of the Ministry for Women and Family Development will provide greater focus on issues relating to women as well as ensure the effective implementation and coordination of programmes for women and families. Chapter 20 569 Malaysia Plan Ma laysia Plan Malay 8 sia Plan Malaysia Plan Malaysia Pl an Malaysia Plan Malaysia Plan Ma Consistent with the goals of the National Policy for Women, efforts will be undertaken to improve and strengthen the national machinery for the advancement of women. Towards this end, measures will be instituted to ensure greater coordination and collaboration in the implementation of activities for women. In addition, links with the grassroots will continue to be strengthened with the establishment of women service centres in the remaining 10 states. 20. 40 During the Plan period, various mechanisms will be instituted to enable women to participate in decision-making processes at all levels. This is to ensure the incorporation of the needs of women in the formulation of policies and the development of strategies and programmes for the further advancement of women. Gender analysis training and sensitization for policy-makers and planners and programme implementors will continue to be implemented in the public and private sectors. Greater efforts will also be undertaken to ensure the systematic collection and compilation of gender disaggregated data to facilitate analysis, create awareness and formulate appropriate and effective follow-up action on gender issues. IV. CONCLUSION 0. 41 With the provision of equal access to healthcare as well as educational and training programmes and improved employment opportunities, women made advancements in various fields of development. During the Eighth Plan period, efforts will continue to further enhance the status of women as equal partners in development. Towards this end, the Government will provide the enabling environment and su pportive mechanisms, including the implementation of gender sensitive programmes, to enable women to reach their full potential in the social and economic fields of development. 570 How to cite Role of Youth in Environment Protection, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Drivers and Barriers to International Co‐operation

Question: Write an eassay on The drivers and barriers to international co operation in achieving a successful agreement outcome at the COP21 Paris 2015 Climate Change Summit? Answer: Introduction COP21, also called the 2015 Paris Atmosphere Gathering, will be one of the biggest worldwide gatherings ever held in France. In this connection, France is confronting a two-fold challenge: as the host nation, it will be in charge of facilitating a large number of representatives and onlookers under the aegis of the United Countries, for two weeks, in the best conceivable conditions; as the nation assuming control over the COP Administration, it will need to go about as a facilitator among all gatherings to the arrangements, keeping in mind the end goal to make an environment of certainty, unite perspectives and guarantee that an understanding is received consistently(Thrower, 1998). This Conference is crucial on the grounds that it must result in a global atmosphere understanding empowering us to breaking point a dangerous atmospheric deviation to beneath 2C. It will be important to achieve a specific number of choices in December 2015, expanding on the work completed at COP20 in Lim a (Environment First, 2015). Atmosphere fund will likewise be a urgent part; in this respect, a point of reference has been come to with the beginning underwriting of the Green Atmosphere Store, adding up to $9.3 billion, including almost $1 billion from France. Ultimately, nearby and local activities grew by neighbourhood governments, common society associations and organizations will help preparation and supplement the commitments made by state. Drivers Energy Prices Energy leaders see energy value unpredictability and the eventual fate of an atmosphere system as their top discriminating instabilities, as indicated by the most recent research by the World Vitality Chamber. The seventh yearly release of the World Vitality Issues Screen, entitled "Energy value unpredictability: the new typical", is an indicator of the top issues set to shape the vitality division for the year ahead. In a few sections of the world that don't have feasible vitality stockpiling arrangements, the matrix is not yet ready to adapt to extensive shares of discontinuous types of vitality and needs successful business sector signs to convey move down limit or capacity. Atmosphere system is seen as the following most basic vulnerability in front of a worldwide atmosphere assertion being come to at the Meeting of the Gatherings meeting (COP-21) in Paris toward the end of 2015 (Worldenergy.org, 2015). This issue which could spell the vicinity or nonattendance of a significant carbon value has been a top discriminating instability since the first World Vitality Issues Screen in 2009. The 2015 study underlines the way that geopolitical issues have picked up significance for vitality security, particularly with the RussiaUkraine clash. Notwithstanding, as worries about the impacts of the worldwide subsidence have lightened since a previous years overview, vitality pioneers go into 2015 inclination more hopeful (Worldenergy.org, 2015). Locally, the study finds that notwithstanding atmosphere system and vitality and ware costs, the top basic instabilities are: Africa: vitality endowments, vitality reasonableness, capital markets. Asia: vast scale mishaps, compelling climate dangers. Europe: RussiaEurope, nuclear. Latin America Caribbean: capital markets, LNG. Middle East North Africa: coal, LNG energy efficiency. North America: electric storage, ChinaIndia. Market Shifts Market components need to be sufficiently adaptable to support not simply the Carbon Catch Stockpiling Utilization topic additionally backing disseminated era and the supporting innovation frameworks, for example, stockpiling and keen/spry neighbourhood matrix structures. In spite of the fact that, linkage with a more extensive, frameworks based methodology is basic to guarantee the advancement of correlative advances and markets; working in separation basically won't work in the event that we are to do this legitimately. One needs to perceive that regardless of the fact that such markets were to be concurred now we are managing a framework, which has huge idleness in it (CommentVisions, 2015). Changing the vitality framework will be truly difficult, however, with the privilege political will it can happen; the rate at which it will produce results is to some degree begging to be proven wrong. Connecting the components that make up the complete foundation is a territory in which the Information exchange System is dynamic with the Vehicle, Constructed Environment and Vitality gatherings structuring a composed group. This group has effectively begun connecting with UK advancement funders to create signed up bolster programs. Although sensible advances with the innovation which is accessible, or will be accessible by 2030; what can begin having the effect is the consolidated political will to have any kind of effect, and it is essentially not there. National or global political will, and tragically even over the vitality business there is still polarization with individuals battling their corner, and naturally in this way, for there are restricted finances once in a while (CommentVisions, 2015). Government Regulation and Policy To stay underneath as far as possible, the world must point of confinement GHG discharges to inside an exploratory GHG "plan." Given the best confirmation at present accessible, the IPCC gauges that aggregate outflows of GHGs this century must stay underneath 1,000 billion tons of CO2 proportional. Current yearly outflows are around 54 billion tons. In this manner, outflows must decrease significantly by mid-century to approximately 33% of current levels and to almost zero by 2070 to stay inside the 2C carbon budget.1 Note that a considerable portion of demonstrated stores of coal, oil, and gas will need to stay underground and unburned so as to stay inside 2C (Climateweeknyc.org, 2015). These unused stores are currently known as "stranded resources." Moving to a cleaner vitality blend is vital to keep the normal worldwide temperature ascend underneath 2-degrees Celsius from preindustrial levels as highlighted by the most recent IPCC report. So as to attain to this, expenses of renew able vitality need to descend and markets need to be reinforced to take into consideration a scale-up of advancement, creation, and organization of manageable vitality advances. Exchange arrangement has an imperative part to play in this admiration. the Paris understanding could help continue warming to under 2C, eventual by sending a reasonable message to the vitality business and venture group that administrations are focused on securing the atmosphere (Climateweeknyc.org, 2015). Developed nations have over and over guaranteed that they will give at least $100 billion every year of atmosphere back as of the year 2020. Yet so far created nations have not spelled out how they expect to respect this dedication or which budgetary streams should be tallied towards "atmosphere fund." Yet, advancement and atmosphere account are operationally connected and must be coordinated (Upton, 2015 Commitments by nations in view of their carbon outflows collected through residential carbon charges and the offer of carbon discharges licenses; Local incomes gathered through new Monetary Exchange Charges; Requires on fossil fuel emanations coming about because of universal aeronautics and oceanic transport. Different hotspots for preparing devoted atmosphere fund ought to be invest. Investors Pressure Detailed planning is fundamental for governments and the private segment to distinguish the most proficient ventures expected to execute the reason. Insignificant guarantees of outflows diminishments without displaying in point of interest how they will be accomplished for instance through business sector components, carbon assessment, or the regulation of force plant discharges won't be dependable and can't be actualized..If all the methods sought after by the speculators diminish financed discharges and battle environmental change, a low-carbon economy will be accomplished just by re-examining venture techniques and joining divestment, low-carbon speculation, shareholder engagement and vitality move financing. These methodologies will require more intricate and viable techniques in the event that they are to assume an organizing part in the improvement of a low-carbon world economy (Upton, 2015). It is important to figure out which assignments in a portfolio are genuinely steady with the 2C situation and what strategies financial specialists can use to have the most effect. The account animates activity in territories which would not overall be secured or financed sufficiently. The consolidated impulse of carbon danger, shareholder engagement on this topic, and divestment battles impelled by progressively illuminated open supposition ought to be empowered in somehow in the structure of the atmosphere gathering that will be held in December 2015 in Paris. The most drew in speculators will have a head begin, in any case they will have the capacity to offer other people who wish to take after their lead the profit of their experience. Specifically the part of focused on atmosphere fund is to guarantee that the trillions of dollars of interest in framework and non-base exercises are also composed, proficient and low-carbon as they can be in a carbon compelled world. In this, the additionally originates from invigorating the right strategy decisions to cultivate such speculation and through serving to assemble practical general financing bundles so as to enhance the budgetary danger return execution of low carbon versus high-carbon speculations, and bring business returns closer into line with financial returns (Upton, 2015). The Carbon Tracker Activity's decisions are being reverberated by the various ecological NGOs that are supporting the Go Fossil Free battle, which has made divestment from fossil fuel organizations its essential issue. To address their atmosphere concerns, financial specialists are embracing procedures from their mindful venture approaches to decrease their introduction to fossil energizes and the most carbon-serious organizations and to enhance their carbon foot shaped impression (Upton, 2015). Technological change Current technologies and the same old innovative advances are not sufficient to convey these changes at the scale and pace needed to stay inside the 2C target. All advancements will require altogether quicker increments in execution principles, and also diminishments in capital and working expenses. Conveying these upgrades will oblige administration and enhanced worldwide coordinated effort from business, governments, and science to scale up examination, advancement, show and dissemination (RDDD) of low-carbon advancements. Decently outlined Worldwide Open Private Associations (PPPs) ought to be conveyed to scale up RDDD for every innovation. These Worldwide PPPs ought to be associations including governments, organizations, and exploration establishments. Environmental change has been contrarily influencing nourishment creation and the test for the horticultural part is to discover effective answers for food the world in the following couple of decades. There is likewise weight to fundamentally diminish nursery gas outflows that are connected with agribusiness. Atmosphere savvy horticulture (CSA) is an idea propelled five years back to activate the investigative and partner groups to handle environmental change adjustment and alleviation, nourishment security challenges and to address future exchange offs. Taking into account prove that environmental change as of now truly affects agribusiness and influences helpless agriculturists and nations, researchers focused on the need to activate all significant learning keeping in mind the end goal to appropriately plan for what's to come. Science can help in changing the observation that agribusiness is weight to environmental change adjustment and relief endeavours, into a confirmation based conviction that there is plausible arrangement. Barriers Lack of Strong Policy Framework Negotiations under the Durban Stage at the UNFCCC are known as the ADP (Specially appointed Working Gathering on the Durban Stage). After just about three years of the ADP arrangements, the result of the most recent round of these transactions at Bonn in June 2014 was still a long way from an agreement on the key components of the worldwide consent to be concluded in 2015. Atmosphere Activity System was pushing hard for a Reasonable, Aggressive and Mandatory Understanding as the result of the Copenhagen COP albeit there was little good faith that this result would be attained to (CAN 2014d). With more than 100 world pioneers touching base for the last stages in the second week, there was still, nonetheless, confidence that critical advancement would be made. The result of Copenhagen COP15 has been broadly discussed. The Danish Government was sharp for the COP to succeed, on the other hand, and obviously committed errors in meeting expectations towards that result. The general issue, be that as it may, was that the agents of more than 190 national governments touched base at COP15 without being near to concurring on and recording a universal way to deal with viably address environmental change and were additionally a long way from having a shared comprehension of their decent amounts of the goal-oriented endeavours needed to address environmental change. The absence of advancement towards a 2015 understanding is on account of any nation's legislature debate that environmental change is a worldwide issue obliging dire activity, or denies the atmosphere science and carbon plan in the latest IPCC reports. The current outflows pathway makes it very likely that temperatures will ascend by more than 2 C above preindustrial levels. UNEP's Discharges Hole Report (2013) affirmed that no noteworthy advancement has been made in shutting this significant crevice between that vital for an under 2 C outflows pathway and added to nations' pre2020 relief responsibilities . There is concession to what is expected to keep away from the dangers of hazardous environmental change: limit temperature ascend to well beneath 2 C and consider fortifying the objective to a 1.5 C cut-off (UNFCCC 2011). It is additionally recognized that unless nursery gas outflows begin lessening soon, any opportunity to stay beneath a 2 C ascent Government Uncertainty The challenge stays of how to guarantee that all governments are willing to make considerable responsibilities to achieve a compelling worldwide consent to address worldwide environmental change, given the tremendous personal stakes attempting to undermine this assertion in numerous nations (McGregor, I. (2011). Advance so far towards coming to a compelling worldwide understanding in 2015 in Paris has been to a great degree moderate. Significantly all the more needs to be carried out on a war balance if governments are to abstain from touching base in Paris without a reasonable, aggressive, and mandatory understanding, prepared to settle and sign. Deplorably, there remains a serious peril that COP21 in Paris will be as much a disappointment as COP15 in Copenhagen. The absence of a methodology in the ADP transactions to gage if the aggregate exertion reflected in INDCs meets the level of aspiration and worldwide exertion needed to keep up a well-underneath 2 C ascent pathway, and w hether every nation was tackling a decent amount of that exertion. This appraisal of decent amount of exertion not just applies to a nation's discharges lessening responsibility, additionally to added to nations' levels of budgetary, mechanical, and limit building backing for moderation measures and adjustment to be given to creating nations. For poorer creating nations, this would incorporate discharges decreases that will be embraced given a specific level of monetary, innovative, and limit building aid (CAN 2014d). It is clear from the result of the latest ADP transactions in Bonn that we are still a long way from concurring upon and archiving a successful worldwide way to deal with location environmental change. Atmosphere Activity System showed that advance on the ADP could just be made with new duties at the UN Secretary-General Boycott Ki-Moon's Atmosphere Pioneers' Summit in September. In the ADP Co-Seats' appearance on advancement made at the June 2014 ADP arranging session , it was recognized that a significant measure of work stayed to be carried out to have a lawful assertion prepared for interpretation inside the following nine months. A group of 16 European and American scientists examined how the atmosphere would be influenced if the U.S., EU and China meet these duties, and if different nations complete on different vows made amid prior rounds of gatherings. the world would in the long run warmth up by 4C to 5C, or 7F to 9F, contrasted and preindustrial times. Be that as it may if the nations all meet their atmosphere vows then, with all different things being equivalent, the Paris understanding would top an unnatural weather change at 3C or 3.5C. Yet at the same time there is a lot of uncertainty. Market Uncertainty Market unpredictability is the most obvious issue. What's more, not long from now oil cost has been the unmistakable top runner. Long haul situations are as yet saying that general we are moving towards a world in which access to oil gets to be more unpredictable, regarding topography, the political connection, and how oil is conveyed to business sectors. Consequently the pattern of oil cost won't be downwards yet upwards. The expense of renewables will be an upper limit. In the event that oil gets to be significantly more lavish than renewables there will be a sensational movement to renewables. Furthermore, at the downwards end costs will be constrained through the expense of generation of the most lavish oil makers. Right now there is low request in China and Europe and high supply in the US and somewhere else (Climatestrategies.org, 2015). Also, those two variables together have pushed the oil cost down. From one viewpoint, individuals take a gander at lower oil costs as a positi ve flag regarding their development desires. Be that as it may, then again, oil-creating and sending out nations , for example, Russia, Nigeria, Mexico, Venezuela and Iran are clearly experiencing the low oil cost regarding their state plans. That is additionally a political danger for those nations (RTCC, 2015). The key message is there will be an enormous capital necessity all inclusive to supplant, to develop and to change the current base and frameworks. The $4853 trillion is more than a large portion of the world's Gross domestic product spread more than two decades (Global Change, 2015). It's huge. The preparation of this capital won't come effectively. It takes the right strategies, it takes confide in the approaches being steady and powerful, it takes a pipeline of bankable tasks, and it takes a comprehension of the ramifications of budgetary understandings, for example, Basel 3, for task finance. Thus the dilemma in every nation is expected to be adjusted. Cash is timid an d will go to places where it will feel safe. Conclusion COP21 may not lead to an atmosphere understanding that will keep worldwide temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius from pre-industrial levels, yet it may prompt an assertion that will begin to decarbonise the economy. Regardless of its future legitimate name (a bargain, convention, or understanding), require a viable concession to environmental change moderation, in which the universal group will concede to the accompanying: Sponsorship's for fossil powers will need to inevitably vanish; Nations will lessen their carbon discharges at their own pace and in their own specific manner; Nations will gauge their execution on carbon outflows decrease. With political will, an achievement in Paris may transpire. Respective arrangements are urgent to the accomplishment of multilateral atmosphere transactions. China and the US are vital to any significant advance in environmental change relief. 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